Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Vertical Gastric Sleeve Surgery (for Weight Loss)

Just curious if any of you have ever had a VSG for weight loss. I just got back from accompanying my cousin for her surgery. All went wonderfully. She and I hit the mall last night when we were making our way back to Louisiana from Mexico. We did quite a bit of walking.  Afterwards we picked her up some broth, jello, & juice for the night and the trip home. By the next morning she looked and felt great! I am thankful all went well! Just curious about others' experiences! So far so good here... and if you are curious on the doc... I'm giving a shout out to Dr. Alvarez @ Endobariatric.com who has an awesome team and staff! 


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Been a while, i know!!! but I'm in Mexico!

I've been so busy. I can't believe it has been nearly two weeks since I logged in and posted last! I am currently visiting Mexico with my cousin! She is recovering from a endobariatric surgery. Have any of you ever heard of the vertical sleeve surgery? It's pretty interesting! They go in and remove a part of your stomach to reduce the amount you can eat at one time. It has proven to be very successful. My cousin had been thinking of having it for well over a year, and finally opted to do it. I came along with her! It is a fairly simple procedure and she is recovering quite nicely! She was pretty nervous at first, but I am glad she went through with it! I can't wait to see what a difference this will make in her life and for her health! We'll be heading home tomorrow morning, and have plans to stop off to get some Christmas shopping done. Hopefully I will get a chance to blog more before Thanksgiving! Got a big meal planned and family to entertain! Wishing you all a wonderful thanksgiving! May God hands be upon all of you and angels surround you who are traveling to be with family for Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Louisiana Saturday Night

"Fall back" b4 u hit the pillow tonight! Some states opt out of this of this practice, but not ours!! I sure wish I could, though; I always seem to need a week or more to adjust my internal clock! lol! 'n then I keep telling myself...it would have been this time, but instead it's this time! if that makes any sense! lol! maybe thats my ocd! ikd!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Thank God!! It's Friday!

It's been a crazy week, but I thank God for all He's done in our lives! Our family has been so blessed! I could never begin to repay God for the all the good things in my life! That's not to say we haven't struggled at times, but you really have to struggle every now and again or you won't appreciate the blessings God sends your way!
Looking for some way to give back to Him, I began praying for God to use me! With a new pastor, new changes in our church, and new people, I was almost feeling like I was losing myself in it all!  We all want to feel like we belong somewhere, right?! I just wasn't sure where yet, even though this is the church I was married in over 16 years ago!
So, I found myself helping out cooking breakfast for the bus kids at my cousin Wendy's church (her hubby is a pastor), then I would leave there and go to our church just in time for Sunday School. I met lots of new people, enjoyed the fellowship with my beautiful, kind-hearted cousin, and really felt like I was doing something to please the Lord, but at the same time...I wanted to do something at our church!
My cousin's church elected some new youth leaders, and they moved in to the parsonage. For them this meant they had plenty of hands to help out for Sunday breakfasts, so I took this as a perfect opportunity to open myself up to do something at "home" so to speak.
My husband and I spoke to the Sunday School director and his wife and let them know that we would take a Sunday School class if one came available. We were willing and able provided the children were all potty trained. We taught for a year in the 2 year old class and well... we're so not ready to go back to diapers and pull ups!
Weeks went by! and then more weeks! I missed cooking at my cousin's church! I missed the kids! and of course... I miss my cousin!!! :)  I began praying a little harder every day "God use me for your service!" Of course, I was getting a bit discouraged! I think the devil was helping out with that, b/c I kept trying to search myself and see where I was messing up since God wasn't using me/us! I begin to pray that if things weren't right in my heart, then I needed God to help me change so that I may be worthy of doing service for His kingdom.

A few more weeks of praying and then...

One Sunday morning I'm pulled out of church by an usher! I was like...whaaaat is going on? He told me "You are needed in the Kindergarten class." I thought he was mistaken b/c my youngest is in first grade, but then it dawned on me that was my cousin's class. My cousin has two lil ones (10months and 2 yrs), so I figured it must have been one of her own she needed me for...nope...the next thing I know she is handing me a book 'n talking about my husband and I taking over the class! I was so excited!

As if I wasn't already excited enough...Monday, I was sent a text asking if I wanted to help out with Kid S.U.R.F. on Wednesday nights (children's church)! I was assured we'd be taking turns throughout the night, each having small parts of the lesson, so it wouldn't take a lot of prep or home time! And most all the helpers have a Sunday School class, so doing both is typically not a problem.

Now... call this a coincidence or not but come Friday, I receive a phone call...It was one of the elders in the church asking my husband and I to meet with him Saturday prior to outreach. We had a short conversation about what was in store, and Sunday morning... my husband and I were sitting in the pastor's office being prepped on our new role as outreach leaders!

I'm not sure how I feel right now... I am so excited but a tad bit overwhelmed! lol! I know God answers prayers, but...lol! He really did it this time! :)

Sunday was our 3rd week teaching our new kindergarten class! Wednesday was my 3rd night in Kid S.U.R.F.! Prior to church that night, my hubby and I attended our first director's meeting! And... this Saturday we will be doing our first church-wide outreach event! We're mostly looking toward the youth group showing up for this one this time, but we're going to push for more church involvement come next month! We love the youth for outreach! They are friendly, outgoing, and energetic! They "like to move it!, move it!" and face it... the older we get, the less get up and go we tend to have!

The downside to all of this...when you try to work for the Lord the devil tries to do everything he can to ruffle your feathers! Me and my crazy teen have knocked heads a few times this week...as have me and the hubby (over the teen)! So... I made an effort to pray a few extra times during the day...Not gonna let that devil get me down!! Just speaking His name-- JESUS!!! and... well... all the devil can do is flee! Love that wonderful name of Jesus!

Please say a quick prayer for us tomorrow as we will be kicking off at 10am tomorrow as we venture through the city putting door hangers on door knobs, leaving flyers on cars, and handing out tracts!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What ya think? Wednesday

Hey, all! I just got my latest issue of Premier from Scrapper's Guide and thought I'd update my blog for the season using the Christmas Past kit by Susan Bartolini (Scrap Kitchen).  Please tell me what you think!!! I'm very excited! I used two tutorials to get me started and give me ideas. You may find the tutorials prove helpful for you, too. The tutorials are for photoshop elements, but they may still give you ideas even if you don't have/use photoshop elements!

Create Your Own Blog Blackground

Create Your Own Custom Header for Blogger

Check out both tutorials as well as the SG website, but ...before you go... please leave a quick message and tell me what you think about my updated blog. I could use the feedback as this is only my 2nd time to redesign my blog! I would greatly appreciate it!

If you're reading this post (as a repost) on homeschoolblogger.com or BloggyMoms, and you'd like to see my updates, you'll have to come visit me at my main blog site BY CLICKING HERE!


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

oh wow!

Man... know I've been busy, but didn't realize... been an entire week since I logged into my blog or posted! We've had so much going on. School, Wed night children's church, Fall Fest planning meetings, shopping to fill our Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas boxes, Fall Fest Saturday night, Sunday school...and of course the weekend's over and I'm already planning for next Sunday's class activities! My daughter and I went to Michaels last night and bought paint for the crafts I have planned for my kindergarten class Sunday. It seems like there is always something going on and something to do. We are working from one computer now, too. Five people on one computer. That's way fun! lol! and to be honest, I have so much to do, it's almost a relief! lol! I have been getting a lot more done by not being on the computer reading blogs... that can take up sooooo much time.... you read one and it links to something, then another links to someone else's, and another... to be honest... It's almost 6 in the morning, and I have a bunch of other things I COULD be doing besides typing on this blog right now! :) I really don't see how all the other bloggy momma's do it every single day and some 2 and 3 times a day!!! that's...WOW! Uber Bloggy! lol!
I tried...for like 2 weeks... and I've decided... we'll I can't do it! So... tis going to go now and do what I really need to be doing before my kids wake up --- start this day with Prayer! Blessings all you fellow bloggers and readers! Keep it up! I do enjoy the reading when I get a moment to do so! I hope you all have a wonderful day!

God Bless,