Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lil Mr. Sneezy

Ok...well this one has me stumped. Anyone ever heard of a cat being allergic to the outdoors? One of our cats will soon be dubbed Lil Mr. Sneezy! When put him in the yard,  he of course freaks out b/c he's not used to being outside but the crazy thing is that he starts wheezing and sneezing! so idk what to think!

The tragic story is how we came to adopt the lil thing... I turned on the dryer and heard a horrid sound. After moving everything around, grabbing a cage, and setting up a way to trap what we thought was a squirrel, I finally reached in and pulled out this tiny kitten. How in the world it managed to make it's way on my porch I haven't the foggiest b/c we have a door... slipped on unnoticed while one of us were coming in is all I can figure.  My dryer vent cover broke not real long ago, and we've yet to get a new one. Thinking nothing could get on the porch and get in, we didn't much worry about it.

Well, this little feller made his way on the porch, went in through my vent, and was completely in my dryer...and was almost killed. Luckily as quick as I heard the horrid noise, I knew something was there and we found the feller... but not before fur blew out my vent! He had a patch of hair shaved off his scalp and off each ear,  half his little nose was gone [literally!], and his lower front leg was ripped open from the joint to the paw.

Now, I am no cat person...never was...but... I felt horrible!!! I doctored and coddled him constantly even letting him sleep on my chest at night!! and prayed with my kids that he would be ok. I knew it wasn't my fault the lil guy climbed in the dryer vent, but I knew I had turned it on and off twice trying to figure out what was going on...so my doings led to his near death experience.

Well, he's a spoiled rotten little kitty now! He's all healed up, thankfully, but he still doesn't have leather on his nose. I don't think that will return. Ever so often he'll bump it and it will bleed, but all his other wounds are healed.

He's now getting big enough to go out into the world and chase the chickens, birds, and field mice! Mostly he's male...fixed or not...they spray, so he's got to go outside, but each time I take him out he goes crazy! I don't know if the wheezing and sneezing is anxiety or allergies, but it's the strangest thing I've ever seen!

So call me crazy, but I'm going to pray this little kitten gets over whatever he has so he can live a fun, full life outdoors. You might think it's a little silly to pray for a cat, but Proverbs 12:10 says "A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast." so why not... if a God tells us a righteous man regardeth the life of his beast, then God must also regard the life of all beasts...even lil sneezy ones and would be okay with us praying for it! and what would I tell my kids anyway if I said no to that.. we pray for them when they are sick! I couldn't just say... God doesn't care about that, now could I?

So...here is our little sneezy feller (including a depiction of him drawn by my 6 yr old as part of one his creative writing assignments... he's learning about pets, why we think God gave us pets, and how we are supposed to care for and love them. He'll be memorizing Proverbs 12:10, too).


Um... the cat or the bed... one of the two is a bit out of proportion! If he grows to be this big...well...I'm moving out! lol!

apple initials

Monday, October 25, 2010

(Oh well! Night all!)Guess i'm posting from my phone tonight & going to bed! I've been so busy all day! Finally get unbusy 'n I'm last inline for the computer! Dh is on it now! Blessing, jC

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Relax & Surf Sunday Blog Hop

Just joined the Relax & Surf Sunday Bloghop and have already found three...or was it four? new blogs to follow! It's 12:43 in the morning... and I am teaching Sunday school in a few hours...so I better get to bed! More blog hopping tomorrow! Good night and er... uh... good morning!

BWS tips button

apple initials

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Louisiana Saturday Night

Well, the night's almost over, but we had us a good 'ol time! We headed out to the back yard, built us a fire, roasted some weenies, and then followed that with some toasted marshamallows and smores! Yum! Check out the pics...




and no the pooches didn't pee on that rock, so don't flip out!!! It's ok, really!!! They aren't allowed in that part of the yard! 'n besides...that rock was so hot it could have fried an egg... don't think any germs could have lived on it! It was the perfect place to start my chocolate a melt'n which made for the gooiest smore I've ever tasted!

toasting my marshmallow!

nice 'n toasty... placed atop my chocolate & graham cracker 

turned on the flash

mashed it down flat

going for the bite


ok... i took a couple of bites before this pick...couldn't resist

cheezing it up

going for the serious look

I <3 these guyz! God has truly blessed us!

'n btw...I never eat more than one smore, but ... um... don't tell anyone... but I had 3!!!! I have no idea what got into me, but smores done on a campfire are way better than the ones you can do in the microwave! oh... heavenly! I best be bike riding a lot next week to make up for tonight!

apple initials

Friday, October 22, 2010

Freebie Friday

My mom just called me. Walgreens.com has a coupon code on their page from now until tomorrow. 8X10TREAT to get a free photo collage sheet. I'm working to build mine right now! I just hope they have something besides witches b/c I am not a fan of halloween!

apple initials

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Negative Numbers in 1st Grade??? hmm...

Yep, yep... I knew something was up! My 6 year old had me a bit puzzled. He just asked me what 3-4 was? Of course I know negative numbers, I just wasn't sure where he was coming from. I knew I looked at that work, and there wasn't anything like that in it...or was there?

I said, "do you mean 4-3?... u can figure that out yourself!" 

He said, "no... 3-4! Maybe it's negative 1 but I'm not sure!" 

I said, "You're right, but read your paper again... I am sure it is a 4-3!" 

After all, when did we start doing negatives in 1st grade? lol! 

Actually it wasn't even 4-3. He's doing double digit subtraction so it was a 4-3 in the right column. The problem was 74 minus 53 or something....I don't recall! but... I have no idea where he picked up on the negative numbers other than overhearing me doing math & algebra with my older two. 

I thought he'd lost his mind... till I heard a correct answer out of him. He's killing me... that incessant talking while working! I don't see how he learns anything! I can't even concentrate on my own thoughts here lately! lol!


apple initials

God Said No!!!

I asked God to take away my habit. 

God said, No.

It is not for me to take away, 
But for you to give it up. 

I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. 
God said, No. 

His spirit is whole, his body is only temporary. 

I asked God to grant me patience.

God said, No. Patience is a byproduct of tribulations; 
It isn't granted, it is learned.

I asked God to give me happiness.. 

God said, No. 
I give you blessings; 
Happiness is up to you.

I asked God to spare me pain. 

God said, No. 
Suffering draws you apart from 
Worldly cares and brings you closer to me. 

I asked God to make my spirit grow. 
God said, No.  

You must grow on your own, 
But I will prune you to make you fruitful.

I asked God for all things 
That I might enjoy life..

God said, No.  I will give you life, 
So that you may enjoy all things. 

I asked God to help me LOVE others, as much as He loves me.

God said... Ahhhh, 
Finally you have the idea. 

'May the Lord Bless you and keep you, 
May the Lord Make his face shine upon you, 
And give you Peace....... Forever!

~ Author Unknown

My cousin sent this to me via email. I hope you enjoy it!

apple initials

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Had enough? Was today especially "Hard" for you?

I was having one of those days today, too. The kind of day when you think, I just don't know if I can keep this up. As a mom homeschooling a teenager, I get discouraged at times. We have our ups and our downs, but lately we seem to be having more downs than ups. And I tell him... "I just can't do this anymore! Something has got to give!"
I love him to death, but some days he drives me plum crazy with his procrastinating, excuses, and the disrespect. Here lately he has taken to raising his voice at me when he answers me. That is getting under my skin. Um... that really gets my temper going, and I hate that!
But then, I sat here reminiscing about yesterday evening... I was sitting in the ER waiting to go back after making a mad dash to the hospital because my granny had taken a fall. The neighbor brought her to the ER. My mom was on a "sisters outing" in Texas (with her five older sisters), so she couldn't get there for a while being a few hours away. My dad was right in the middle of a project.
I volunteered to go until one or both of them could tie up loose ends and make their way to the hospital. As I entered I only noticed two other families in the waiting room. One woman was chatting on the phone, while another woman sat holding a beautiful little boy who couldn't have been more than three years old. His gorgeous smile caught my attention more than the cast on his leg.
As he and I exchanged smiles, I noticed his clothes. He was only wearing a sleeveless tee and a pair of underwear. The hospital was freezing. I felt so bad for him, but that smile never left his face.  I began to chit-chat with him and his mom a bit and she told me he had just had his leg amputated above the knee. He had it done over 3 hours away from here, and had some complications. At a nearby hospital they had put a cast on his leg that morning. Tonight they sat in the ER for hours waiting for another cast, because without a foot or even a lower/leg and knee joint this poor lil feller couldn't hold that cast on. It kept sliding off.
I didn't think much more about the little boy, as I went back to what condition my granny was in. She had taken a fall in the craziest way while helping another lady move some furniture out of her house. Evidently part of the bed was in the living room at the time and she got tangled up, some how sailed over the top of the bed, hit the carpet, grabbed for something to catch herself, and then pulled the television down over the top of her. She had a 10 cm gash (from one side of her right knee cap to the other). I of course examined it when I arrived, and it was pretty gruesome looking. I have a pic, but I will of course spare you that! I could see everything mind you including the knee cap! It's one of them things my husband would have said... Cool! b/c he's weird like that!
Thankfully she wasn't in much pain, but they were taking forever. I always thought older people had a lot more patience, but not granny! She was getting pretty ticked. If you think about it, if you were laying there staring at your knee cap, you'd probably be pretty impatient, too!
We talked about everything under the son, including discussing whether the nurse was a male or a female. That kind of disturbs you, especially if the name is gender friendly, too. We're yes sir/yes mam people here in the South... and well... what do you say when you don't know ... yes'um, no'um?
We tried to find something to watch on the television, but every channel seemed to have someone making out on it! lol! We opted for the good old standby... Food TV! but then granny was starving! lol!
I updated my dad, mom, husband, and our pastor via text message including the picture in the text. Put in an order for granny some food. Mom brought it when she came. Shortly there after dad arrived, so I went home to my hubby and the kids who had waited up for mom (so was their excuse for getting to stay up late).
My mom called me this morning and told me they didn't get granny home till after 2am and mentioned something about the doc coming in and having everything out to stitch her, but left to go deal with some kid who's cast was coming off. I knew exactly what child they were talking about... I could never forget that darling lil face. I recalled again his leg, and thought about how different his life would be as opposed to other children (like mine of course). I felt bad for him, but I felt bad for my own kids, because I think sometimes they don't know how good they have it.
When things don't go exactly our way sometimes... like this horrid pain I have in my lower back right now, my granny's split open knee, our home-schooling mishaps due to the friction between mom and teen... we do wonder...why is life so hard?
Yep...Life is hard sometimes, but sometimes it is way harder for others! Our problems seem almost minuscule in comparison to what some face and will face for the rest of their lives.
I recently heard rumor there is a family living under a bridge about thirty miles from where I live. While my family and I sit here with a warm pan of cornbread fresh out of the oven, a roof over our heads, and a soft comfy bed to lay down to sleep at night... there is another family only minutes away from us, resting under a noisy bridge. It makes me ashamed of myself that I complain sometimes and that my kids complain!
We really have so much to be thankful for! I am sure you do as well! Tonight as I lay down in my nice cozy bed, I will pray to God for all he has blessed me with especially my children (though they drive me crazy insane sometimes). I will be mindful to pray as well for that little boy and his family even though that I may never meet them again. And of course rumor or not, I will pray for the family under the bridge (just in case it's true).
Sometimes we don't understand why things happen to people or the circumstances to bring them where they are today, but I guess we're not supposed to.  We can only pray and ask for God's Perfect and Devine will to be done... and... Be thankful and appreciative of the life we have and those God has blessed us with who enjoy life right along with us!
Well, I'm sorry if it seemed as if I was rambling, but I really couldn't think of anything to blog about today... this was running through my mind off and on like crazy today. I almost didn't post today, but then I came in here and read today's devotion at Proverbs 31 Devotions blogspot. I thought... this fits wonderful with what and all was weighing on my mind. So a big thanks to them for this wonderful devotion, and blessings to you all who may of happened upon my page and read this. I hope you, as did I, might now tell yourself... "Hey, today wasn't really as "hard" as I thought! I will persevere! I am very blessed and I am thankful!"

Good-night and God Bless,
apple initials

Monday, October 18, 2010

Muffin Monday - Yum!

My kids love muffins, so we have muffins every Monday... around our house tis known as Muffin Monday! This is one my own semi-homade recipes that's easy for the kids to do. Follow all the directions on the muffin pack except add in 1 cup water instead of 1/2 cup, add 1/2 cup of oatmeal, and 1/2 cup of self rising flour. This makes the packet go from 5 regular muffins to 24 mini muffins! Kid's love mini-muffins especially when they can get 5 of them as opposed to one regular muffin! 'n don't forget adding in the oatmeal...kick'n up the nutritional value!


apple initials

Sunday School

Today was our first day with our new Sunday school class. I was so excited! My daughter's teacher and family were gone for the weekend, so she decided to come in and help us out with our class! We had a great time! My husband's not in any of the pics, b/c he was snapping the pictures! I think he did a great job!


This Weeks Bible Point


Bible Point Craft Activity


I <3 these cuties! 
I was very thankful that for our first day we only had 4, but I do hope more will come!

Prayer Time
--- [//Beautiful//] ---


prayer requests (in order, front to back)

"Ayden's cough, Nana's back, & Paw Paw's back"
"Ma Maw J---'s leg"
"With God all things are possible!"
"my ear"

Remember: God Answers Prayers!!! 


Praise & Worship
---- [my favorite picture] -----




Tyler showing off Elijah's alter



Putting Together A Puzzle


This Noah built an alter, not an ark! :o)

I like to think he's smiling b/c he loves me!!!! lol! 
Noah's my cousin's lil boy! nnnn a tad too young for this class, but he did sooo good! 
I hope he comes back every Sunday! I am so proud of him!

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