Tuesday, November 2, 2010

oh wow!

Man... know I've been busy, but didn't realize... been an entire week since I logged into my blog or posted! We've had so much going on. School, Wed night children's church, Fall Fest planning meetings, shopping to fill our Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas boxes, Fall Fest Saturday night, Sunday school...and of course the weekend's over and I'm already planning for next Sunday's class activities! My daughter and I went to Michaels last night and bought paint for the crafts I have planned for my kindergarten class Sunday. It seems like there is always something going on and something to do. We are working from one computer now, too. Five people on one computer. That's way fun! lol! and to be honest, I have so much to do, it's almost a relief! lol! I have been getting a lot more done by not being on the computer reading blogs... that can take up sooooo much time.... you read one and it links to something, then another links to someone else's, and another... to be honest... It's almost 6 in the morning, and I have a bunch of other things I COULD be doing besides typing on this blog right now! :) I really don't see how all the other bloggy momma's do it every single day and some 2 and 3 times a day!!! that's...WOW! Uber Bloggy! lol!
I tried...for like 2 weeks... and I've decided... we'll I can't do it! So... tis going to go now and do what I really need to be doing before my kids wake up --- start this day with Prayer! Blessings all you fellow bloggers and readers! Keep it up! I do enjoy the reading when I get a moment to do so! I hope you all have a wonderful day!

God Bless,

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